Monday, 18 November 2019


But everything in the Items folder is gone. You have to be online to install it, and you can't be online using an outdated version of the game. The tracks simply won't be there. There's a way to get the DLC cars working again through hybriding , but I doubt there's anything to be done about the tracks. Just bring back whatever mattered most to you. Don't have an account? Items should be tied to the save file. gt5 garage editor 1.3.1

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It happened to me when I had to reinstall GT5. You ediror normally see both files in the PS3's save file folder. It's too late to use PD's back up, and I'm a loose cannon who doesn't make back-ups before he edits so I'll just try installing the save I have from the last time I hybrided. Moving on, where can I download Slim's editor?

Gt5 garage editor 1.3.1 tutorial

You can add whatever paint chip you want minus DLC1 or 10 chips per click. I did set it to "RestoreIt" for a time but I don't think that did it. I haven't been playing for long enough to hit max fditor limit. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password?

Garage Editor Gt5

The one I have can't add chips and DLC isn't really that big a deal. That should put you at version 2. But everything in the Items folder is gone.

gt5 garage editor 1.3.1

There's a way to get the DLC cars working again through hybridingbut I doubt there's anything to be done about the tracks. Cars and DLC tracks are intact? To do that, just delete your main file garagge it up first just in casekeep the file labeled as the back up, and boot up the game. Alex Alex 6 years ago 2 So you mean things like paint chips, racing gear, horns, tuning parts?

However, a bit later I had to reinstall GT5 completely.

gt5 garage editor 1.3.1

Don't touch your save data. Depending on your connection, the downloading process could take a while.

When I go to paint a car, it gives me some confusing Garagw of what is supposed to tell me I have no paint chips lit. By deleting your game data and NOT updating eidtor the latest version 2. You never need to worry about rationing mattes or chromes again. He will knock me flat"-Soulidarity http: KaZooo KaZooo 6 years ago 7 Last idea I'd have is reinstall game data not save data In reality, your biggest losses are hard events you conquered on record and albums which you exported anyway.

WaitWHAT THE HELL? - Gran Turismo 5 Message Board for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs

Forgot your username or password? I started a new game a couple of months ago and to my surprise I had all my old custom tracks in 1.3. new game, because game data hadn't changed. You have to be online to install it, and you can't be online using an outdated version of the game.

Sign up for free! Pictures, custom tracks, replays, those are tied to your game data. Sign Editog for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

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gt5 garage editor 1.3.1

Racing gear and paint chips are useable, but you lost those, so Paint chips can be acquired with Slim's editor, version 1. Takes maybe a couple hours but doable. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. If that doesn't work, try the most recent back up you've done yourself, if you have one. If I were you, I wouldn't reinstall the game.

The tracks simply won't be there.

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