Saturday 30 November 2019


There is a different set of ethics related to how we engage on social media and how we engage in face-to-face situations. It is also not okay to keep pushing people to engage with you. Put yourself in the center of the fray, wherever that fray is, and do work to help your discipline — your community — evolve. Have a Privacy Policy. Far better to use it as a way of making sure your blog posts automatically get tweeted, or to allow the same piece of content to be shared across all social media platforms at once, or even to retweet content from your favourite blogs. hackademia 2.0

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The most productive sorts of networks are populated by both strong and weak ties. Be a Cerebral Stalker.

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Therefore being a good hackademic means taking time out to regularly research everything from how you grade your students papers to whether papers are the best form of assessment and even what impact the tools you and your students use to write and grade papers might have on their learning.

Three Steps for Creating a New Habit https: Hacademia is also not okay to keep pushing people to engage with you. The points of intersections between our own work and the work of our peers is often what most inspires us to push off in new directions. Ultimately, our work is only as good as the connections it makes and the discussions it gives rise to. What courses might you have taught?

Look instead for someone a few rungs higher up the career ladder and who you would like to be in regular contact with. PhD2Published Daily is out!

Engaging with folks in neighboring and related disciplines will help you build a more diverse network. Have a Business Card.

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Perhaps your Hackadeemia supervisor is still in the picture. In some universities you might be lucky enough to be assigned a mentor and this may already be working well for you.

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Have a Professional Approach. In brief, fighting for the front seat of the car is not a game you should figuratively play with a potential collaborator. And relate your questions to their work so they know you are genuinely engaged with what they do. A great tool that can help you with keeping a steady flow of interesting information flowing through your social media accounts is Buffer.

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Even more useful, though, is to organize an event of your own. Approach them by making it clear how the informal mentoring might operate — for example, you might agree to Skype for half an hour once a month. And most of all it means sharing this information: We advocate always having a 5 year plan, even if it changes iteratively every 6 months.

What things might you have published?

Hackademic Guide to Networking | Search Results | PhD2Published

Finally, social media channels are all about sharing, so make sure that you are contributing to your network, as much as if not more than they are contributing to you.

Instead of being lost in the intricacies and jargon of your field, you have to tell someone — anyone — just why your work matters. It is not okay, for example, to use Twitter to follow one single person and only that person while using it for nothing else.

With that in mind, you might like to consider firstly which platforms you are likely to use to communicate with colleagues and peers and which are for close friends only and second, lock down the privacy on the ones you want to be personal. Share and Share Well.

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Hackademic Guide to Networking: Then decide what you are happy to talk about in public. Find someone you admire on Twitter, follow them and the various topics that interest them — even follow some of the people they follow.

What job would you like to have? The key is to make it easy for them to work with you. Even if you see yourself as more of an introvert, research is about sharing and opening up dialogues in the classroom and beyond. Be a Good Hackademic.

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